Lauren Zami, Intern Lauren Zami, Intern

An Anti-Diet Approach to Passover

No matter your family’s customs and traditions surrounding food on Passover, you deserve food freedom on the holidays and every day of the year. 

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Lauren Zami, Intern Lauren Zami, Intern

Why We Don’t Calorie Count

Instead of calorie counting, the intuitive eating approach prioritizes your health through gentle nutrition. You have the freedom to decide what gentle nutrition means to you and how it fits into your life.

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Lauren Zami, Intern Lauren Zami, Intern

How External Factors Impact Eating Disorder Prevalence

There are dozens and dozens of factors that could impact the development of an eating disorder over a long period of time. Understanding some of the root causes of this diagnosis is crucial if we want to promote a full recovery for all.

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Lauren Zami, Intern Lauren Zami, Intern

Reasons Why BMI is BS

Developed by a mathematician and statistician, BMI was a numerical calculation and it should remain that way. It is a number, not an indicator of health or how a person should be treated. Y

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Lauren Zami, Intern Lauren Zami, Intern

What is the Anti-Diet Approach?

If you are fortunate enough to have food as part of your life, let’s stop treating it like it is an enemy. Let’s start learning to embrace food for all of its wonderful qualities by following the anti-diet approach.

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