Embracing Intuitive Eating: Your Journey to Food Freedom with Our Nutritionist Counselors in NYC
Discover a liberating approach to nourishing your body and soul through intuitive eating with our expert nutritionist counselors in NYC. Step into a world where food is not just fuel, but a source of pleasure, satisfaction, and empowerment.
Embracing Health at Every Size® (HAES®): Your Guide to Intuitive Eating with our Nutritionist Counselors in NYC
Discover a compassionate approach to nutrition counseling in NYC that focuses on Health at Every Size® (HAES®) and intuitive eating principles. Our team of experienced nutritionist counselors in NYC is here to support you on your journey toward holistic well-being.
How to Navigate the Holidays in Recovery
With the holidays just around the corner, it can feel stressful and overwhelming to those in recovery, but taking steps to prepare can help you enjoy yourself more this holiday season.
What is the Healthiest Bread?
Bread is a prevalent staple food in our diets, with numerous types all containing different nutritional benefits. While no bread is 'healthier' than the other, personal preference is the first step in deciding which type of bread is right for you.
Thanksgiving in Recovery
Thanksgiving during recovery can be challenging, but preparing for the holiday and having a trusted support system ready may make the experience easier to navigate, and allow you to focus on showing gratitude towards yourself, and the people who support you.
Halloween in Recovery
Halloween is just around the corner, and with it comes talk of costumes, candy, and spooky celebrations. But the holiday can feel tricky to navigate, especially when you’re in ED recovery.